In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn't want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash, but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.
Follow Benny and his friends as they leave behind the safety of their fenced-in town to search for the living in the world of the dead. Along the way they discover that the greatest evil they’ll face still has a heartbeat.
ROT & RUIN kicks off a four-book series and is the winner of dozens of awards including two Bram Stokers Awards for Best Young Adult Fiction, the Cybils Award, and many others. It is now in development for film and will also be a monthly comic from IDW Publishing. But it all starts here.
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Copyright Jonathan Maberry, LLC. Site design by John Langan. Author Photographs by Sara Jo West.